Programme   Getting there and competition center   Map and legends


Voice: "Adam, who will be your wife?" Echo: "Ieva! Ieva! Ieva..." /Laimonis Vāczemnieks/
"Give back your strange mountain, Voice!" /Arvīds Skalbe/
"The sounding mountain will sound in me, so we will go sounding." /Māris Čaklais/
"The song of my fathers, my song, In the native language that sounds, Called from the depths of the mountain... I fear to speak aloud to this enchanted rock, I fear to disturb this place, whose beauty seems to have been shaped by the very hand of God." /Skaidrīte Kaldupe/
"Sounding mountain, here at your voice its consciousness awakens. Here everyone becomes children, both the young with beards and the old without beards". /Ojārs Väetis/
"I must have been whispering against the wind - the Mountain didn't hear me. Then let's spend a moment without words Between the green sky and Salats below. It's not so often that silence happens in the Temple of Pines on a red rock." /Velta Kaltiņa/


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Time Actity
10:30 Begins issue of competitor bibs and maps
12:00 Start for 6h rogaining (participants of the Rogaining hike can start the distance from 11:00 to 13:00)
12:30 Start for 3h MTB rogaining
13:00 Start for 4h rogaining
13:30 Start for 2h rogaining, 2h rogaining run un 2h rogaining walk
15:30 Control time end for 3h MTB rogaining
16:00 Control time end for 2h rogaining un  2h rogaining run
17:00 Control time end for 4h rogaining
18:00 Control time end for 6h rogaining un Rogaining hike
18:10 Begins prize giving for classes. INTERVALS.LV lottery withr Garmin and other prizes.


Competition center will be located near Mazsalaca Secondary School stadium (Parka iela 30, Mazsalaca)

Gettin there: